Monday, September 14, 2009

The Lands of Forever 2

I went to open the window from a little while. The weather is so hot tonight! I found a slight, cool breeze as I was standing there, looking at the mosque below, hearing them pray the dawn prayer. I looked up, and I couldn’t look down again for the next 5 minutes, till my neck felt pain.

I just couldn’t stop staring at these tiny glitters in the almost black sky, scattered carefully next to a glowing crescent moon, with a small puff of cloud or two.

I’ve always loved looking up at the sky at night, but tonight it just looks different, more magical. It looks as if someone scrubbed the moon and the stars to reveal a glower surface and polished the sky behind them with a darker coating!

I tried to count the stars. 1 2 3…30. No, I thought I messed up so I tried counting them again…32. And again, no, 33! Well, in that range! I couldn’t count them right. It seemed as if each time I tried to count, someone would sprinkle even more stars!

But the same familiar stars stayed there. I could pick out the 3 shiniest stars that form a slightly curved line, and those many, little, dim ones that I’ve always thought they look like a chicken leg! I wonder if they have a name.

Although only a crescent was shining, I still could see the rest dark part of the moon, that waits for someone to turn it on again. Or maybe it already finds peace, beauty and glory in the shadows.

I looked down again, wishing that I could take this section of the sky and stick it in my bedroom ceiling so I could look at it all I want as I lie on my bed.

I went to ask my very own moon if the sky became dark and he could see the crescent, but he said that there is no crescent tonight. Well, I guess it didn’t reach the other side of the world just yet, but I hope it will soon.

The Lands of Forever 1

Ever notice how hypnotizing the smooth wind can be at night? I'm standing in the balcony in almost complete darkness. The street lamps below lighting the still street with soft yellow rays.

The luminous, dotted stars in the dark navy, clear sky decorating the place from above. Just looking at them makes me forget about the whole world I'm living in and pulls me secretly into theirs. I could look up there forever.

In the far right, a mysterious glow invades the peaceful darkness of the sky. It's the borrowed glory of the ever beautiful Moon.

The wind comes and goes with the salty breeze of the sea that, once inhaled, fills my soul with strange ecstasy and, at the same time, nostalgia for that fantasy, wooden house on the sand.

It's the perfect moment to doze off in silence in the mystical world of the lands of forever!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I think, therefore I am!

This is one quote for René Descartes that got stuck on my head ever since I've heard it on one of the Philosophy lessons I took, about 2 years ago.

"Cogito, ergo sum" translated "I think, therefore I am."

I've always thought, and I guess a lot would agree, that one of the main things that makes us really humans, is our intellect. And that without this, we are just walking, robotic beings who choose to have no choice. That is why this phrase has always been sort of my motto in many things that concern my life.

I'm not exactly talking about the capability to solve hard mathematic problems or producing beautiful prose. But, i'm talking about the "choice" part in our life, the part that we get to analyze things around us or the decisions we are to make, and think about it to determine its points and whether it is right or wrong, necessary or trivial.

I think that most, if not every, thing in our life has many perspectives and basic reasons behind it. And one thing I enjoy a lot is trying to find the reasons behind unclear, questionable things or mysteries.

One thing that irritates me the most is the way some people refuse to think! They shut down their mind and there is never a question or a thought or a new idea.
And what nags me the most is when some others state a "must" or "should be" action or a thing without a clear reason. And when you come to ask, and that sort of how a conversation would be:
-"that's just how it is"!
-"But, did you ever think or attempt to think of it and try to find the reasons behind it?"
-"No, nor do I want to"
-"But why?! And how can you accept something without thinking of it, what if it is wrong or has no basis? Isn't that the reason God created your mind for you and gave you choice?"
-"Well, that's just how it is! I grew up and found it like that, why would I change it or think of it?!"

And that's where I rest my case, sometimes. It reminds me of this nice story I read in a FW e-mail before and it goes something like this:

"One upon a time there was a mother who had one daughter. The little girl always watched her mother cook. Her mother would get the fish and cut off the head and fry them in the pan. The little girl once asked her mother why are you frying the fish in that way? She told her that this is just how she saw her own mother do it and that this is of course the right way.

So when the little girl grew up and began to cook as well, her grandmother was present one day while she was preparing lunch. The grandmother looked at her, puzzled, because of the way she was frying the fish in the pan, and asked her why she is doing it like that? The girl told her grandmother, it's because I've always seen my mom do it like that and it's the right way! The grandmother then laughed and told her, but I've always did it that way only because back then we didn't have a big pan to fit the fish so I cut off its head, and you have a big pan now!"

Now that I'm talking about fish, I'm really hungry!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


A sudden reaction and an insane affection surfaces. Then, comes the thrill of being bold, of doing something that opposes your mind. The fear of rejection shortly follows and a slightly regretful mood. Maybe you've passed your limits and it's time to hit the ground again. But, what if you didn't try hard enough and that's why you always fail?

"I should have been crazier" *

Do we really understand failure?! Failing isn't being unsuccessful of getting what you desire. Failure is having regrets.

What is it that stops us from saying and doing what's really on our minds? Then, moving on to enjoy our lives without regrets.

"It's their loss anyway!"

We always tend to pick up negative bits and pieces of our experiences - important or not- that hold us back from growing our souls and expanding our minds.

We care too much about what people think of us and the rules society imposes. We're afraid to be different, to stand out, to be insane! Because their sanity is the norm! The following book talks exactly about that...

*Veronika Decides to Die is a novel by Paulo Coelho whose books and stories have always made a change in their readers’ mindset and way of living. It tells the story of 24 year old Veronika, who appears to have everything in life going for her, but who decides to kill herself because she lost her sense of purpose and forgot how it is to feel real happiness. This book is partly based on Coelho's experience in various mental institutions. It is based around the subject of “madness”. The idea of the message is that "collective madness is called sanity".

Many of you may have read the novel, but how many of you have really thought about the message that it offers behind its cover?  Part of the novel’s aim is to question our priorities in life and the way we carry everything out. It holds a challenge for us to be bold, stand out and be different or “crazy”. The story holds a whole new different definition of “madness”, one that is maybe different to the people around you, but very familiar within you.  It’s not the madness that harms; it’s rather the one that expands our minds to higher levels of understanding and happiness.

The story teaches us not to be afraid of being different, one of a kind, to grasp the true meaning of our lives to reach joy and do what we want rather than what we only need. It taps into the idea that not just because everyone around us thinks something is unusual or crazy, means that it is wrong or undoable.

When I first read the book, I completely felt related to it. I’ve always had a positive definition for madness. I always like to think and do anything in my life in a different “crazier” way and view everything from another angle. In doing so, I’ve seen how little things can bring joy to my life instead of fixating on routine and the “typical” way everyone around accepts. I proudly call myself mad! Now think, what is madness to you?

Monday, August 31, 2009

Black and White!

“Act like a lady, think like a man” is a nonfiction book by the American comedian Steve Harvey. The title sounds strange and eye-catching and I’ve came across it on an article on the internet about its appearance on Oprah’s show and that’s why I started reading it.

The book talks about how men think, how women act, and how women can deal with men by understanding their mindset.

As of any book that I read, I always take in the aspects of it that fits with my views, personality, and culture and this is what I’ve done when I read it, I kept nodding along to many of the things said there that I found true and fitting. However, I’ve thought how it would be like if an Egyptian comedian wrote a book about the same subject! Can you picture how that would be like? Anyway, I would like to recommend that you read this book and think about the similarities that it has with our culture, that’s the fun of it!

Since the book is about men and women, I’m going to take the opportunity to talk about the subject of “men VS women” as well. It has occupied the minds of many people, writers, and thinkers for a long time. Till now, it seems like they haven’t reached a common ground about it. I think they never will. There will always be some people who think men are better or vice versa. We will always find these articles on the internet or the newspaper about scientists who have a theory that proves that men are actually smarter than women or that women have a higher IQ score! For me, I simply don’t really care about all these views and I think they are just a waste of time.

Men and women, each were created having their own unique responsibilities, duties, features and state of mind. None is better than the other. They are equal concerning their rights as human beings but they can never be the same. They will always be different. That will never change even if men and women turned out, in the future, to be from planet Pluto instead of Mars and Venus!

I like to think of it as the Yin-Yang theory. Women are the Yin – the black part of the circle. Men are the Yang – the white part of the circle. They both complete each other although they are different. The black part of the circle contains a part of the white while the white part of the circle contains a part of the black. That’s what makes the balance. Men and women simply complement one another and have a little of each other within themselves.
How do you like to think of it?

Pay attention or pay the price!

Lately I've been hearing the sad news of so many deaths. Most of them were caused by car accidents. of course I can't deny the fact that part of it was God's will, that these people died because it was their time, but the other part was how they died, they died in this way because of their carelessness or because of other people's carelessness.

People should know that driving isn't such an easy thing that you take for granted. Just because you know how to drive a car doesn't mean you're immune to a horrible accident on the way. Once someone gets a license and a new car, everyone just wants to party with it, go everywhere with it, even to the closest places, say we gotta try driving there or else you won't learn! and so on of such things. They forget that the slightest mistake could end up their lives or other people's lives in a horrible way.

I've been driving for about a year, and I've seen how many people drive on the way. They seriously think they are invincible rockets or something! And this makes me nervous while I'm driving and being nervous isn't really a good thing while you're driving between...rockets! Really!

Guys seriously...You don't look cool when you drive so fast and go left and right fast without making a sign! seriously it's not cool and girls don't like it like you may think! You only look like a stupid wanna be slash show off!!

Same thing for girls who do so, they won't like you any better believe me, so don't boast that you drive more than 80km/hr while the maximum speed should be 60km/hr!

This is a serious matter! you could take the life of a person or yours in a second!

Oh and the new trend! Hassling the girls while they are driving! I've been in this situation many times! Here I am driving normally by the sea and a bunch of stupid guys driving next to me start trying to make me drift with my car! Really what the hell is this?! I could have made an accident or killed anyone in any of these times, than God it didn't happen!

Also those people who don't even CARE to look before they cross the street. seriously...are you insane?! and do you believe that you could faster than a car moving with a 60km/hr speed?! it might work for you sometime, but the next, you're gonna be lying in the hospital or dead!
These people drive me crazy! There are things called "tunnels!" heard about them before?! yeah you did but you're too lazy to cross them and you're not too lazy to put your life in danger! They don't even look! and when I shout at them it's like I've just did a crime! I'm so sorry because I care about your life more than you do!

So please, people, take care when you drive, or when you're crossing the street, because it's not something to be careless about!

I know the traffic sucks, and taxi drivers and micro bus drivers drive in a..what should I call it..barbaric way! but at least educated adults and teens should not drive in such a way. Really, driving like that is never "adventurous" it's pure "madness" that takes the life of many people everyday.

please watch this video.

What's that smell?!

I was so tired, with too much of Greece on my mind! I slept very early yesterday and woke up nine hours later, right before dawn. I don't remember what I had dreamt very clearly. But strangely enough, I dreamt of what I had thought I would. My dreams have become very acurate lately.

"Madness?! THIS IS SPARTA!!"

Okayyy, enough Greece already...Three hours later, the sun lit the room. I opened the window and its rays were printed on the floor. I smelled this smell...I never liked it, the smell of some early mornings. It's the smell of not wanting to go to school, of craving sleep and bed, of exams. So, I just closed the window again...

I made a cup of tea. Oh! I could see my reflection in it...hmm my eyes look wider inside! The swirling steam went up warming my face. Inhaling the aroma was waking me up little by little. Yeah...That's the smell I love *smiles:)*...The smell of warmth -- and escaping studying!

What if? or not!

I wondered for a long time what if at a certain moment in my life, I took a different choice? as small as it had been in the past, it would have changed my entire present. Again, what if it would still lead me to the same destiny by just taking another route?

The "what ifs" are endless that I could bring about a whole different life of mine made up of other choices I could have chosen. But the problem remains. Regrets can never change things.
There is always the choice of starting over although whatever was wounded can never cure to normal again.

I will always have a chance to change and live life differently the way I want it. I keep asking myself if there's use of fighting for it. It seems impossible and the thought gets me hopelessly depressed and sad that I want to give up and let go to the normal course of things. But then I find myself trying again, not knowing the reason. At least, I wouldn't regret not trying and asking "what if" about it later.

Why does everything sometimes just turn upside down and color everything with black, dotted with small flickers of hope and longing?

Life can be so unfair sometimes. All I have to do is wait and endure the tears and pain that it brings, right?
"We have to take love where we find it, even if that means years of disappointment and sadness."

Karma or whatever you wanna call it!

I was thinking a lot about karma today. I wondered how come even though we believe our actions will turn back to us whether they were good or bad, we still do them anyway without thinking. I guess it's because it doesn't happen right away so we kind of forget. But the worst thing is that it always catches us off guard when we least expect it making us think about what we did wrong.

But what if all the good we did just return as bad to us? what would we call that? A test? or just karma at work again as a consequence of being too foolish or stupid to trust, love, or believe in somebody who might not even have thought about our feelings and the hurt they were causing without a reason or being foolish enough to do something wrong?? I think karma may be a little bit complicated concerning how it works.

But the question is, should we think a million times about the things we are about to do just because we're afraid of karma getting back at us if they were wrong or because we're afraid to hurt the people who actually care a lot about us and returning their good with bad????

Yeah i know that's a pretty long question! But well either way, i think we should think very well about our actions and about what they might cause. Because we might end up either hurting ourselves or hurting others who care about us. No matter what we do, there will always be consequences.

I'm with the Vampires!

It's a very weird world we're living in. No one is happy with what they got. The poor wish to have some money to be happy while the rich feel the money took their happiness away and they still can't live without it. The married wish they become single and free while the single wish everyday they find their true love. The list of contradiction is endless. Of course I'm not talking about everyone here. I'm just talking about examples of the many weird things we see in this life.

My biggest trouble might be not fulfilling my dreams, while others' big troubles might be getting killed while sleeping at night by a bomb. It's a huge difference but at the end both seem to be the worst fear for each of us.

Humans…they are the weirdest creatures on this planet, don't you think?! We see the solution for our happiness right in front of us and still choose not to take it! I think that's a stupidity that most people including myself have fallen in.

If we are just to accept…acceptance is a very strong word. It’s very hard for a lot of us. We just can't do it although it's the easiest thing to do. It's a very natural thing inside us that we might have forgotten about it along time ago, when all the problems started. If we could just accept the things we have and look at the bright sides of things we will be happy. If we could just accept the others as they are we will not end up fighting over stupid things. I think another word for acceptance is open-mindness.

Some people think that being open minded is just to do all the weird things in this world or accept crazy ideas. But how can someone be open-minded if he or she can't even accept him/herself or accept others?! We have to learn to accept each other. We have to be open to the fact that there are millions of people out there who have a different life style and different ways and cultures than ours. No one is better than the other. We simply have different ways of doing things. Why is it that we have to change ourselves so others accept us?! Why do we have to be the same??

I will never change it unless if I wanted to. I've learned to accept others as they are even if what they do seems to be weird or pointless to me, because who am I to judge them or say they have to change. So people out there, please learn to accept.