Monday, August 31, 2009

What if? or not!

I wondered for a long time what if at a certain moment in my life, I took a different choice? as small as it had been in the past, it would have changed my entire present. Again, what if it would still lead me to the same destiny by just taking another route?

The "what ifs" are endless that I could bring about a whole different life of mine made up of other choices I could have chosen. But the problem remains. Regrets can never change things.
There is always the choice of starting over although whatever was wounded can never cure to normal again.

I will always have a chance to change and live life differently the way I want it. I keep asking myself if there's use of fighting for it. It seems impossible and the thought gets me hopelessly depressed and sad that I want to give up and let go to the normal course of things. But then I find myself trying again, not knowing the reason. At least, I wouldn't regret not trying and asking "what if" about it later.

Why does everything sometimes just turn upside down and color everything with black, dotted with small flickers of hope and longing?

Life can be so unfair sometimes. All I have to do is wait and endure the tears and pain that it brings, right?
"We have to take love where we find it, even if that means years of disappointment and sadness."

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