Monday, August 31, 2009

What's that smell?!

I was so tired, with too much of Greece on my mind! I slept very early yesterday and woke up nine hours later, right before dawn. I don't remember what I had dreamt very clearly. But strangely enough, I dreamt of what I had thought I would. My dreams have become very acurate lately.

"Madness?! THIS IS SPARTA!!"

Okayyy, enough Greece already...Three hours later, the sun lit the room. I opened the window and its rays were printed on the floor. I smelled this smell...I never liked it, the smell of some early mornings. It's the smell of not wanting to go to school, of craving sleep and bed, of exams. So, I just closed the window again...

I made a cup of tea. Oh! I could see my reflection in it...hmm my eyes look wider inside! The swirling steam went up warming my face. Inhaling the aroma was waking me up little by little. Yeah...That's the smell I love *smiles:)*...The smell of warmth -- and escaping studying!

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